主题:Endogenous Trade Policy in a Global Value Chain: Evidence from Chinese Micro-level Processing Trade
内容提要:This paper examines endogenous trade policy in a global value chain by exploring the impact of exports of intermediate inputs of a country on its trade barriers on final products. We use Chinese transaction-level processing trade data and finds that, the more are a country’s intermediate exports to China, the lower is the trade barrier this country imposes on the imports of the final product from China produced with these intermediates. The reason is that a low trade barrier on the final product increases the country’s demand for Chinese final product, and thus increases Chinese demand for its intermediate inputs used in the production of that product. This impact exists for both the permanent tariffs (preferential and MFN tariffs) and temporary trade barriers (TTB, including anti-dumping and safeguards), is stronger for differentiated products than for commodities, and is stronger when intermediate export industries are more organized. For MFN tariffs and safeguards applied to all trade partners, this impact is higher when the share of a country imports of the final product from China (out of its total imports from the whole world) is higher, which implies it’s more likely that the MFN tariffs and safeguards are set mainly against China.
专家介绍:余智,上海财经大学副教授,上海市“浦江人才计划”学者,兼任中国(上海)自由贸易试验区协同创新中心研究员、美国联邦储备银行达拉斯分行特约研究员。他获得中国人民大学金融学博士学位、美国乔治城大学经济学博士学位,曾在国家发展与计划委员会(国家发展与改革委员会前身)、国际货币基金组织研究部、美国商务部普查局从事研究工作。他的主要研究方向为国际贸易政策,其文章发表在 Journal of International Economics、《经济学动态》等国内外学术期刊以及《中国证券报》、《金融时报》等媒体上。